*Flaming words daily devotional (Prayer points
*Apostle Momo Promise*
*Quote of the Day*
if you are to follow Jesus, his will must be your will and his ways your ways.
*Did you know*
Jeremiah is the only man in the Bible that God gave clear instructions not to get married (Jer 16:1-2)
*Topic:* 40 Days Prayer for Power and Authority (Tongues of Fire #Day 31)
Matthew 6:24
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
*Sermon:* Jesus makes it clear that serving two masters is a simple impossibility. If you think that you are successfully serving two masters, you are deceived. It can’t be done. As the Israelites of old were deeply plunged into idolatry, they thought they could worship the Lord God and Baal. God constantly reminded them that to worship Baal was to forsake the Lord God. To be loyal to the one is to despise the other. In the natural sphere it is impossible for a slave to serve two masters, for each claims him as his property, and the slave must respond to one or other of the claims with total submission, either from love or from interest.
It can be simply said: Don’t serve your money. Let your money serve the Lord and it will serve you. Mammon in itself is not evil but when you begin to worship Mammon that is where the problem lies Mammon then becomes an idol of the heart. whatever controls you has become the idol of your heart, whatever you put first before God is an idol and you cannot serve two masters, if you are to follow Jesus, his will must be your will and his ways your ways.
As you Pray these Prayer points today the lord will help you to do his will at all times so that you can come under his authority in the name of Jesus.
*Prayer Points*
1. Thank God for his blessings upon your life, thank him for making you see this 31st day of prayers
2. My father my father, help me to do your will in the name of Jesus
3. I receive the grace to walk in the ways of God at all times in the name of Jesus
4. Grace to do your will Lord Jesus is released upon my life in the name of Jesus
5. I silence every Satanic voice claiming to lead me in the name of Jesus
6. I will not bow to Mammon in the name of Jesus
7. I receive grace to put God first in all things in the name of Jesus
8. I refuse to walk in disobedience in the name of Jesus
9. I submit myself totally to the authority i have in Christ in the name of Jesus
10. My eyes are more open to the ways of God in the name of Jesus
11. Annointing to walk in power locate me today in the name of Jesus
12. I receive the anointing to walk in authority in the name of Jesus
13. Authority to manifest God's purpose for me locate me today in the name of Jesus
14. I will not go out of God's plan in the name of Jesus
15. By the authority i have in Christ closed doors will open in the name of Jesus
16. I am God's candidate to obtain divine mercy in the name of Jesus
17. I receive the baptism of unquenchable fire and authority in the name of Jesus (Repeat this for five minutes)
18. I enter into the covering of the almighty from today in the name of Jesus
19. God's hand of glory envelope me today in the name of Jesus
20. Whatever has been affected badly in my life will be restored totally in the name of Jesus
21. Oh lord my father, single me out for promotion today in the name of Jesus
22. Anointing and grace to achieve God's plan for me will locate me today in the name of Jesus
23. My hands will not be tied, I am loosed wherever i am tied in the name of Jesus
24. Prophecy upon this day and declare what you want to see
25. Pray for the body of Christ, the Church Leaders worldwide, and your nation at large
26. Pray for Apostle Momo Promise and Zion flames Prophetic and intercessory ministries
Read Psalms 67
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God bless you richly!!!