Prayer against Spirit husband/wife #Day 4
NB: Pray these Prayer points before you sleep at night, Repeat each point of prayer (×8)
Nahum 1:13
“So now, I will break his yoke bar from upon you,
And I will tear off your shackles.”
Prayer Points
1. Thank God for the great deliverance he has given to you God is faithful
2. I command every Satanic engagement ring worn upon my hand by spirit husband/wife to catch fire in the name of Jesus
3. Evil ring of spiritual enslavement worn upon my finger by spirit husband/wife is removed now by fire
4. Every evil ring inside of me magneting me to spiritual husband is consumed by fire in the name of Jesus
5. Every evil ring i am wearing causing me to have sexual dreams will be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus
6. I put an end to spirit husband/wife attack tearing me apart in the name of Jesus
7. I loose myself from the familiar spirits waging war against my life in the name of Jesus
8. Every marine spirit assigned to capture my destiny catch fire now in the name of Jesus
9. I command every sexual spiritual covenant to break right now in the name of Jesus
10. Evil ring of sexual bond with spirit husband/wife catch fire in the name of Jesus
11. I come out of every Satanic union with spirit spouse in the name of Jesus
12. Every spiritual husband/wife attack upon my life ends right now in the name of Jesus
13. Every spirit spouse attack fighting my achievements catch fire now in the name of Jesus
14. Any evil illegal marriage done with spirit husband/wife affecting my glory will scatter now in the name of Jesus
15. I divorce myself from any marriage with spirit husband/wife in the name of Jesus
16. I break away from the curse and spell of sexual dreams and attacks in the name of Jesus
17. Whatever is directing spiritual spouse to me catch fire now in the name of Jesus
18. I say no to the operation of sexual demons around me in the name of Jesus
19. Any part of my body that has been marked as a passage way for spirit spouse activities be cleansed and delivered in the name of Jesus
20. Thank God for answered prayers, God has giving you victory