*Flaming words daily devotional (Prayer points)*
*Apostle Momo Promise*
*Quote of the Day*
"...we do not operate by our own authority but by the authority of him that leaves inside of us."
*Did you know*
The Bible shows us something interesting about God, and it is that he sings (Zeph 3:17)
*Topic:* 40 Days Prayer for Power and Authority (Tongues of Fire #Day 6)
Luke 10:19
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you
*Sermon:* The word of God says that he has given us the power to thread upon Serpents and scorpions, who is the Serpent, the Serpent is the Devil himself the Serpent of old (Rev 20:2) "And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years". Also the Scorpions are also demonic agents and forces sent to fight, chastise, afflict and inflict pain on people upon the earth 1 Kings 12:11 "And now whereas my father did lade you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father hath chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions." When Rehoboam the son of Solomon assumed office he listened to the counsel of the young men that grew up with him and said he will chastise the people with Scorpions, we can see from the scripture that scorpions are used to chastise and inflict pains on people. But praise God, God has giving us the authority to trample upon Serpents and Scorpions and over all the powers of darkness, when God's authority is upon us the powers of darkness bow to he that is in us because we do not operate by our own authority but by the authority of him that leaves inside of us.
*Prayer Points*
1. Thank God for making you to see this sixth day of prayers, he is worthy to be praised
2. Authority to trample upon Serpents and scorpions locate me today in the name of Jesus
3. I carry the glory of God and i operate with the presence of the almighty in the name of Jesus
4. I receive grace to trample upon every unpleasant situation in the name of Jesus
5. I put every negativity in my life under my feet in the name of Jesus
6. I break the backbone of the enemy with the authority i have in Christ in the name of Jesus
7. I put the authority i have in Christ to use and i unsit every strongman fighting my glory in the name of Jesus
8. I break free from every Satanic trap by the authority of Christ in the name of Jesus
9. Fire of unrivaled grace fall upon my life today in the name of Jesus
10. I enter into the realm of total dominion over the powers of darkness in the name of Jesus
11. Every evil authority over my life catch fire in the name of Jesus
12. I loose myself from the control of hell and darkness in the name of Jesus
13. I break free from the powers assigned to control me in the wrong direction in the name of Jesus
14. Every Satanic heirachy carrying out attacks against my destiny will be subdued by fire in the name of Jesus
15. I break free from the captivity of the enemy with the authority i have in Christ in the name of Jesus
16. From today i reign and rule over the powers of darkness that seek to rule over me in the name of Jesus
17. I receive the baptism of unquenchable fire and authority in the name of Jesus (Repeat this for five minutes)
18. I receive grace to grow in rank and spiritual authority in the name of Jesus
19. My strength is multiplied in Christ Jesus in the name of Jesus
20. I am going from glory to glory and from strength to strength in the name of Jesus
21. I will not fall from the ladder of grace in the name of Jesus
22. My certificate of breakthrough is issued to me today l in the name of Jesus
23. I cancel every form of reproach from my life in the name of Jesus
24. Prophecy upon this day and declare what you want to see
25. Pray for the body of Christ, the Church Leaders worldwide, and your nation at large
26. Pray for Apostle Momo Promise and Zion flames Prophetic and intercessory ministries
Read Psalms 43
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God bless you richly!!!