Prayer against Spirit husband/wife #Day 3
NB: Pray these Prayer points before you sleep at night, Repeat each point of prayer (×8)
Jer 30:8
‘It shall come about on that day,’ declares the Lord of hosts, ‘that I will break his yoke from off their neck and will tear off their bonds; and strangers will no longer make them their slaves
Prayer Points
1. Thank God for what he has started in your life, God is faithful
2. I loose myself from any enslavement of spirit spouse in the name of Jesus
3. I am no longer enslaved by spirit spouse in the name of Jesus
4. I break the yoke of spirit spouse enslavement upon my life in the name of Jesus
5. I refuse to bow and follow the command of spirit spouse in the name of Jesus
6. Every evil transaction binding me to spirit spouse is nullified in the name of Jesus
7. I put an end to the attack of spirit husband/wife upon my life in the name of Jesus
8. I break free from every agreement i have entered into knowingly or unknowingly binding me with spirit husband/wife in the name of Jesus
9. Arrows of spirit spouse attack sent to me will go back to sender in the name of Jesus
10. Every spirit husband/wife ring worn upon my life catch fire now in the name of Jesus
11. I renounce every ungodly and unholy marital vow i have made with any spirit husband/wife connecting me with them in the name of Jesus
12. I come out of any unholy matrimony i am in with spirit spouse by fire in the name of Jesus
13. I cancel every evil spiritual wedding anniversary that spirit husband/wife use as a reference to fight me in the name of Jesus
14. The power and grip of spirit spouse over my life is neutralised by the power in the blood of Jesus
15. Every evil agent using spirit spouse to fight me will receive God's judgement by fire
16. I close any Satanic portal, gateway or passage that spirit husband/wife use to access my life in the name of Jesus
17. Whatever the Devil has put in my hands that attract spirit husband/wife to me is removed by fire in the name of Jesus
18. I nullify the effects of past experiences that I had with spirit husband/wife in the name of Jesus
19. My destiny is purged, cleanse and revived from the pollutant effect of sexual dreams in the name of pJesus
20. Thank God for answered prayers, God has giving you victory