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Dreams that show your level in the spirit

Writer: seyimomo2019seyimomo2019

Updated: Nov 19, 2021

Dreams that tell your level in the Spirit

There are certain kinds of dreams that we have unknowingly to us they show us the state of our relationship with God, some of these dreams show our level in the spirit, they help us to know what area to improve upon the holy spirit releases these dreams as a check and balance measure so that we would know if we are staying away or on the right part it is important to note that all dream interpretation should be given by the holy spirit and must guided with scripture

Scriptural references (Matt 7:6), (1 Cor 10:12), (Deut :13), (1Thess 5:17)

The dreams that show one's spiritual state are very many and can come in different forms and ways, I will be talking about eight of these dreams and I will divide them into two categories the first will talk about the one's that show a bad spiritual state and the other will show if one is a good spiritual state.

* Dream of seeing Pigs (Matt 7:6) "Matthew 7:6

“Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

Signal: bad

Gender: both male/female

Reason: This dream can sometimes reveal that you are living an unrighteous life, from the scripture seen above Jesus said that something as important as pearls should not be casted before swines that are seen as filthy and unclean, when you see this dream it shows a picture of immorality, dreaming of pigs can depict unrighteousness, unholiness and a fallen state, if you see big pigs in the spirit realm approaching you it shows that you are living a sinful life and you need to make amends, If you always see this dream of pigs then you need to pray against unclean spirits affecting your life and pray to God to give you the grace to live a life of holiness and purity.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw a dream where two giant pigs were chasing me? meaning> This means the devil is after your life to make you fall to sin

2. I had a dream where I was eating pork? meaning> There is a spiritual attack of poverty in your life

3. I had a dream where I was killing and chasing so many pigs away? meaning> This dream means God is giving you grace to fight and overcome a sinful life

Prayer guide

Pray with Psalms 51 for three days ask God's mercy to speak for you

* Dream of falling from a building (1 Cor 10:12) AMP "Therefore let the one who thinks he stands firm [immune to temptation, being overconfident and self-righteous], take care that he does not fall [into sin and condemnation].

Signal: bad

Gender: both male/female

Reason: When you see yourself falling down from a mountain top, ladder or building it is a dream that shows that you should beware of temptation, it shows that you are going to experience a temptation that will take you off the parts of Christ or that you are currently in a state of being fallen or down, this dream will come with a lot of fear, you might even wake up with such kind of dreams in fright, from the scripture above the bible says let him that thinketh that he stands take heed lest he falls, whenever you have this kind of dream it is important that you swing into action immediately and see that such events do not happen or that God brings you out of that fallen state quickly.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. Hello Mog I saw myself falling from a ladder what does it mean? meaning> you are going to fall into a sin that will affect your relationship with God

2. I always see myself falling from a building? meaning> This means you are going to experience setback in your spiritual relationship with God

3. I had a dream where I was trying to climb an hill but I fell down from this hill? meaning> This means you are going to experience delay and setback concerning something you want to carry out in your life

Prayer guide

Do a seven days prayer for mercy, pray with Psalms 51 if you fall in the first two categories, if you fall in the third category pray with Psalms 1-7 for seven days, pray against the Spirit of delay.

* Dream of wearing stained clothes (Isaiah 1:18) "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."

Signal: bad

Gender: both male/female

Reason: when you have a dream of seeing your garment stained with dirt or any other stain is a dream that depicts that one is in a downward spiral spiritually, this type of dream is a warning from God that shows that your spiritual life is under attack and your relationship with God will be affected, this is not a good sign, when you see yourself on a white garment that is stained it shows that in the spirit realm there is still much to be desired of you, there are areas of your life where you need to pray that God should help you in, so that it will not keep you down perpetually, if you see your clothes being rubbed with mud it shows that your relationship with God is affected through sin, you need to check your prayer life and your studying of the word of God as well.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw my garment stained with blood? meaning> This means you have entered into some sexual covenant that is working against your destiny

2. I always see myself on dirty clothes and I am going back home to change the clothe? meaning> This means there is a sin in your life that is returning your prayers back to you empty

3. I dreamt of seeing poop on my clothe? meaning> This means there is an habit or lifestyle you are living with that God does not want you to continue in.

* Dream of being in a dirty rest room (Deut 23:13) "and you shall have a spade among your tools, and it shall be when you sit down outside, you shall dig with it and shall turn to cover up your excrement."

Signal: bad

Gender: both male/female

Reason: This is also another dream that shows that you are plummeting spiritually or you are on cause to go along the downward spiral, this dream is one that shows you are not living a life that pleases God, the scripture above shows that the excrement of the Children of God should be covered, it is one that shows cleaningness, but when you see a messed up or dirty rest room it shows the state of your spiritual life, it shows the level of filthiness, sometimes the degree to which the rest room is filthy shows the degree to which you are perceived to be filthy in the spirit realm.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw myself in a filthy toilet what does it mean? meaning> This means your spiritual life is in shambles you need to wake up and address certain things in your life

2. I saw myself excreting in the dream in an unclean restroom what does it mean? meaning> You are struggling to live a righteous life, there are some things you want to let go but you are being held back by your flesh and it is affecting your relationship with God

3. I see myself in the dream using an ancient type of toilet? meaning> This means you are refusing to move forward in your dealings with God, you are conservative, you are not open to the holy spirit to show you new things that you do not know

Prayer guide

Do a fasting program for seven days Prayer

pray with Psalms 50 and 51 for seven days pray for mercy and spiritual upliftment

* Dream of wearing military uniform (Eph 6:11) " Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil."

Signal: good

Gender: both male/female

This is a dream that shows the call of God upon the life of a person, if you dream of seeing yourself on soldier apparel it could also mean your spiritual state, it shows that you are spiritually alert, it means you are on a prayer routine and you are commanding the presence of God, it could also mean that you are threat to powers around you, this dream means you are lifted spiritually above others and it shows you are doing the right thing, if you dream of matching with the soldiers uniform it means you are preparing for spiritual warfare ahead, soldier apparel in dreams generally mean you are prepared for spiritual battle.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw myself holding a riffle with a Military attire? meaning> This means you are called into ministry and you are being given everything it takes to begin what God has said you should begin

2. I saw myself with a group of soldiers discussing like we were in a battle ground what does this mean? meaning> This means you are currently undergoing some spiritual battles and you are carrying out some spiritual activities that are doing damage to the Devil

3. I am a soldier, I saw in a dream that I was shot on the leg in a battle? meaning> you will be betrayed, there is a plan to take you to a place in the battle field that will not favour you

Prayer guide

If you fall under category 1 and 2 above do a three days prayer and ask God to give you victory over the powers of hell and darkness, but if you fall in category 3 you are to do a three days prayer and fasting, pray against the Spirit of death pray with Psalms 6.

* Dream of fighting and winning (Psalms 144:1-2) " 1 Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:

2 My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me.

Signal: good

Gender: both male/female

Reason: This dream shows that you are sound spiritually, it shows that you are fortified in the spirit realm, when you see yourself beaten up an opposition, or killing an animal it means God has given you victory over a particular issue, this is a dream that shows you are going to be victorious over a long lasting issue, when you dream of bullying your enemies in the dream or chasing them away it symbolizes victory over certain powers and forces. If you see yourself shooting at opponents or cutting them it means you are strong in the spirit, or that the battles confronting you at that time could not overpower you

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. Hello Mog I saw myself beating up an old woman that turned into a mat? meaning> This dream means you have been given grace to overcome poverty

2. I saw myself in the dream killing snakes? meaning> This means you have been empowered in the spirit realm, and you are taking down your enemies

3. I had a dream where I was beating a giant? meaning> This means you are overcoming your issues and that you have become a threat spiritually

* Dream of being given a Bible (Heb 4:12) "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

Prayer guide

Do a seven days prayer and fasting pray with Psalms 74 and ask God to empower you

Signal: good

Gender: both male/female

Reason: when you dream of being given a bible it shows that you are being imparted, dreams of you being given a bible can show impartation, it can show that God is empowering you with spiritual gifts, this is a dream that shows that God is giving you stature in the spirit realm to be able to overcome the powers working against your life, the bible in the spirit is compared to a sword, the sword is a weapon used to execute Judgment upon the enemies, so when you have such dreams it symbolizes spiritual fortication, you have become a threat to the enemies that are working on your destiny.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw that I was given a bible in the dream what does it mean? meaning> It means you have been empowered and fortified against your opressors

2. I had a dream of being given a big bible? meaning> you have been empowered spiritually against your Adversaries

3. People were given new bibles in my dream but mine was the only bible that was old what does it mean? meaning> It means you need to be refreshed you are living in a stale dimension of God's grace and you need to be replenished

Prayer guide

Do a seven days prayer and fasting pray with Psalms 74 and ask God to empower you

* Dream of praying (1 Thess 5:17) "Pray without ceasing."

Signal: good

Gender: both male/female

Reason: Sometimes people see themselves praying in the dream, if you see yourself praying in the dream it shows that your sensitivity in the spirit is high, this is a dream that shows spiritual alertness and awareness, if you see yourself praying or speaking in tongues in your dream then it shows that you are at a high level in the spirit and that your prayer life is also manifesting itself in your dream life, this is very okay of course because the bible says pray without ceasing, that means pray every time, everytime means everytime, when your prayer life is strong dreams like this are not farfetched, when you see yourself praying for people in the dream it shows that you are going to be used mightily by God and it also means that you are a threat to the kingdom of hell and darkness.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. Hello Mog I always see myself praying for people in the dream what does it mean? meaning> you have a call of God upon your life and God will use you mightily

2. I had a dream where I was praying in the dream what does it mean? meaning> This means your spirit man is alert and you are a threat to the kingdom of darkness

3. I dreamt of having a prayer ministry what does it mean? meaning> This means God is calling you into ministry and you should begin with a prayer ministry

Prayer guide

Do a three days prayer and fasting, pray from 1am-3am and ask God to reveal to you, your purpose in ministry

Drop your comments in the comment section below if there is any dream you want me to interprete


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