Dream of traveling and what they mean
There are dreams we have that have to do with travelling, these dreams can be good or bad depending on how you see them, in this article I will be showing you different travelling dreams and what they mean, it is important to note that all dreams are meant to be interpreted with scripture and the leader of the holy spirit.
See also: Dreams that show financial attack
Scriptural references (Gen 46:29), (Exo 14:6), (Gen 22:3), (Psalms 55:6)
Dream of traveling is a common dream that people have, the dream of traveling can be good or bad depending on how you see it, it is of worthy to note that you may suddenly see your in a particular location without traveling as we often see ourselves that is not a dream of traveling, a traveling dream will show you either prepared for a journey or you are on that journey. These dreams will be explained below.
* Dream of packing your luggages for a Journey (Gen 46:29)"Joseph prepared his chariot and went up to Goshen to meet his father Israel; as soon as he appeared before him, he fell on his neck and wept on his neck a long time."
Signal: varies
Gender: both male/female
Reason: The dream of one packing luggages in preparation for a journey can vary in meaning, when you dream of packing your bags and luggages it could mean that there is a Journey before you in reality, but it could also have some deeper meaning attached to it, this dream can mean marital breakthrough, it could also mean that you are going to face the next level of your life, this is a dream that shows that something new is opening up for you and that you are going to the next level, if you have this kind of dream and you are sad about it this could be more disastrous, if you are married it means your marriage is under demonic threat, it could also mean that you are going to be either chased from your work place or your rented house.
Dream scenarios and meaning
1. I dreamt packing my luggages out of my husband's house and people were waving me goodbye? meaning> This means your marriage is under serious attack.
2. I dreamt that I visited a particular place and my luggages were thrown out of the window? meaning> This means you are going to be rejected from something you applied from.
3. I saw myself packing my luggages in a cab like I was traveling? meaning> God is taking you to another level, there is promotion coming your way.
Prayer guide
Do a three day prayer and fasting, ask God to bring to pass speedily what he has for you, pray with Psalms 24
* Dream of traveling in a bus (Exod 14:6)"So he made his chariot ready and took his people with him;"
Signal: varies
Gender: both male/female
Reason: This is a dream that shows your path in life, depending on the events that take place in the bus that is how things may turn out to be, if you are traveling in a bus and you see armed robbery attack it means you should be prayerful when you want to embark on any journey, also it. could mean there are powers trying to attack your progress in life and destiny, if you see yourself traveling in a red bus, it means there is a decision you have taken which might not end well, if you see yourself in a bus and there is not enough space for you, then it means the enemy is trying to make things difficult for you, if you dream of having an accident and you survived it means you should commit your journey in the hands of God and pray against accident, on the other hand it means there are certain things you might have done that is causing problems for you in destiny.
Dream scenarios and meaning
1. I saw myself travelling a long distance in a bus but the bus got spoilt? meaning> This dream means you are going to experience a form of delay as regards something that you are believing God for
2. Hello Mog I saw myself being asked to choose a vehicle for a Journey I had to make, one was a Hilux and the other was a hummer bus, but I chose the Hilux what does it mean? meaning> This means God has blessed you, God is going to give you two Jobs such that you will have to pick one
3. I dreamt of traveling in a red Bus what does it mean? meaning> There is a decision that you have taken that may be detrimental to your life
Prayer guide
If you fall within the first and third category, do a seven days prayer and fasting, pray with Psalms 18 and 13, break every yoke of delay, if you fall in the second category do a three days prayer and fasting, break by 3pm daily, pray for God's blessings to locate you speedily pray with Psalms 104-106
* Dream of traveling at night (Gen 22:3) "So Abraham rose early in the morning and saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son; and he split wood for the burnt offering, and arose and went to the place of which God had told him.
Signal: bad
Gender: both male/female
Reason: when you dream of traveling in the midnight it shows that there is darkness around you, this is a dream that suggests you are being monitored, dream of walking or moving in the night time shows that there are monitoring spirits attached to your life, when you see yourself traveling in the midnight God is showing you to be careful because your journey in life is not going well and that there are some demonic forces working against your progress, if you have this dream with fear inside you it means there is a decision which you are taking that is not good and will not end well. This dream can also suggest that you are being delayed, it means there is a spirit of delay upon your life.
Dream scenarios and meaning
1. I saw myself travelling with strange people at night? meaning> This means you are being initiated into something that is not good
2. What does it mean when you travel late at night? meaning> This means you are going to experience delay in your life
3. I saw myself travelling in the night and we were sleeping in the bus? meaning> This means there are certain things you need to pay attention to in your life for your prayers to be answered but you are not paying attention to those things
Prayer guide
Do a seven days prayer and fasting, pray with Psalms 40, cancel every Satanic agenda upon your life and destiny
* Dream of missing a flight (Rev 21:4)"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
Signal: varies
Gender: both male/female
Reason: If you have a flight in reality and you dream missing that flight then there is a possibility that you might miss it if you do not take it seriously, it could also mean that there is an opportunity coming your way that you are going to miss if care is not taken, if you dream of missing your flight it means there is a spirit of near success sydrome affecting and antagonizing your destiny, this kind of dream conotes delay, rejection and dejection, if you dream of you being asked to come out of the flight for someone else to enter it means you are going to loose something precious as partains your destiny.
Dream scenarios and meaning
1. I saw myself rushing to the airport but I was told I missed my flight? meaning> This means you are going to be some form of dissapointment
2. What does it mean when you see yourself been thrown out of a vehicle? meaning> you are going to be ousted from a particular position
3. I dreamt of being given another person's space in a plane what does it mean? meaning> This means your destiny has been exchanged, you are leaving a lifestyle that is not meant for you
Prayer guide
Do a seven days prayer and fasting, do a white fast, and break every power of delay and bear success sydrome upon your life, pray with Psalms 21 and 72
* Dream of traveling to different countries (Psalms 139:9-10) " If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me."
Signal: varies
Gender: both male/female
Reason: when you dream of traveling to different countries it is one that suggests that you are supposed to be traveling out but your traveling is being stopped, this is a dream that shows that you are being held bound, if the dream of traveling to different countries with plane persists it shows that certain powers are fighting you and are limiting you from achieving your potentials. On the other hand a dream of traveling to another country by flight can suggest that you are going to embark on a journey outside the country very soon, you will need discernment to know which is which
Dream scenarios and meaning
1. I saw myself travelling to different countries in Europe Everytime? meaning> Pray against the Spirit of backwardness at work in your life
2. I had a dream where I was traveling to Africa although I have never been there? meaning> This dream means you are going to suffer delay, difficulty and setback
3. I saw in my dream that I was traveling abroad what does it mean? meaning> your international doors will be open for you soon
Prayer guide
Do a three days prayer and fasting, pray against every spirit of backwardness working against your destiny
* Dream of traveling with black clothes (Zech 6:2) "With the first chariot were red horses, with the second chariot black horses."
Signal: bad
Gender: both male/female
Reason: This dream is one that symbolises death, it is a dream that is showing that there is a death threat upon your life, when you see yourself packing your luggages with a black clothe, cap or hat it means you are under a demonic spell of death, when you see a black clothe given to you it is one that symbolises death and sickness, this dream is one that calls for serious prayers, if you see yourself waving your beloved on a black clothe it shows that the devil has planted a trap of death for you and you should be careful what you eat and when you go out.
Dream scenarios and meaning
1. I saw myself being given black clothes what does it mean? meaning> The enemy is considering a demonic plot to end your life
2. I dreamt of putting on black from head to toe as I was traveling in my dream? meaning> This is a dream that shows that you are being followed by the spirit of death
3. What does it mean when you wear a black clothe in the dream? meaning> This represents death of your glory, sickness and satanic attacks
Prayer guide
Do a seven days Daniel fast, pray with Psalms 18 and break the strong hold of death upon your life
* Dream of traveling with a white clothe (Rev 19:11) "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war."
Signal: varies
Gender: both male/female
Reason: This is a dream that symbolises the spirit of death, this is a dream that shows that the forces of darkness have already done something against you to put an end to your life, the dream of wearing white clothes is similar to the dream of wearing black clothes as they both represent the spirit of death, when you wear the white clothe on a plane it means there is a plan to cause accident in a particular journey you are about to embark on, you need to pray for God's protection before you go out
Dream scenarios and meaning
1. I saw myself travelling with a group of people, all of us were on white clothes? meaning> This is a dream that shows that you are being monitored by the spirit of death
2. I dreamt of traveling with my suit but it was wet in the dream I could not wear it? meaning> This means there is a plot of darkness to cause you to suffer shame and loss of Glory
3. I dreamt of wearing a white canvas to travel? meaning> God is promoting you, and you will see God's hand very soon
Prayer guide
If you fall in the first two categories above pray against death read Psalms 6 and 30, do the prayer as a dry fast for three days and cancel the spirit
If you are in the second category, do a seven days vigil and ask God for your promotion to manifest
* Dream of flying in the air (Psalms 55:6) "I said, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove!
I would fly away and be at rest."
Signal: varies
Gender: both male/female
Reason: when you see yourself flying in the dream, something that you cannot do in the physical realm it could mean that God is empowering you and he has elevated you in the spirit realm, your prayer life is going to receive boosting and you will see the hand of God, on the other hand if you see yourself on a black, red or white clothe at times it means some powers are trying to initiate you into something that is ungodly, this is a dream that can signify that you are under witchcraft spell or divination, the plot of darkness.
Dream scenarios and meaning
1. I saw myself flying in the dream? meaning> your prayers are working an6 God is elevating you spiritually
2. I saw that I was being lifted above a high obstacle what does it mean? meaning> It means you are being empowered, and you are going to be lifted above your problems
3. I saw myself flying with some people in the dream we were alm on white clothes? meaning> There is a demonic initiation that has occurred in the spirit realm involving you.
Prayer guide
If you fall in the first two categories, do a three days prayer and fasting break by 6pm pray for God to increase you in the spirit realm
If you fall in the third category do a seven days Daniel fast and break every demonic initiation pray with Psalms 18
If you have any dream which you need interpretation drop your comments in the comment section below.