Dream meaning of sweeping From scripture
Dream of sweeping is a common dream that people have, sometimes people dream of me doing house chores, sweeping and carrying out certain cleaning activities, dream of sweeping is one that is commonly seen, I will be giving some sweeping related dream meanings from scripture and I will be giving the prayer guide to help you whenever you see this kind of dream, it is imperative to note that all dream interpretation must be guided with scripture and the holy spirit.
Scriptural references (Luke 15:8), (Isaiah 14:23), (Rev 19:14), (Col 3:22-25)
In general dreaming of sweeping may vary depending on how you see it, it could mean that God is doing a work of spiritual cleansing in the life of a person or that the person is going to experience suffering and hardship, how the Lord shows it to you matters a lot and with the leading of the holy spirit you can be able to tell what it means.
* Dream meaning of sweeping your house (Luke:15:8) "“Or what woman, if she has ten silver coins and loses one coin, does not light a lamp and sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it?"
Signal: good
Gender: both male/female
Reason: mostly when you dream of sweeping your house God is showing you that a spiritual work of cleansing is being done in your life, and what you have been looking for will be found or given to you, from the scripture above Jesus gave an illustration that a woman who lost a coin would light the house and sweep the house till she finds the missing coin that is the case with sweeping, you sweep when you want to make an environment clean and you sweep when something is missing, so sweeping your house in the dream means you are going to receive answer to your prayers and you will see the manifestation very soon.
Dream scenarios and meaning
1. I dreamt I was sweeping so many dirt away from my house? meaning> This means there are many things in your life that are giving way, especially some sinful habit
2. I dreamt of sweeping and removing cobwebs from my house what does it mean? meaning> This means that satanic arrows sent to you are being sent back to the sender, God is showing you that you are being delivered from certain spiritual attacks meant to harm you
3. I dreamt of washing my sophar what does it mean? meaning> This dream if you are a woman means you are reclaiming your rightful place in your husbands house, if you are a man it means God is going to bless you financially and give you what it takes to be a man in the home
Prayer guide
Do a three days prayer, fast from 6am-4pm and tell God to deliver you from the hold of darkness upon your life or clickhere to get warfare prayer points
* Dream meaning of sweeping your car (Rev 19:14) " And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean."
Signal: good
Gender: both male/female
Reason: When you dream of sweeping your car it means you are getting prepared for something good, God is preparing you for a journey in life that will make you happy at the end, it could mean that there is a Job or career breakthrough that is coming your way or that God is going to bless you in the coming days or weeks ahead, if you dream of washing your car it also mean you are being prepared spiritually for something good coming your way and that thing will happen in no distant time
Dream scenarios and meaning
1. I saw myself washing my new car what does it mean? meaning> This dream means you are going to experience God's blessings in the coming days and what is not working for you will begin to work for you
2. I had a dream where I was painting my car to another colour? meaning> Notable changes will happen in your life, drastic and sudden changes it will happen and so many people will be attracted to you
3. I saw someone washing my car what does it mean? meaning> It means God is going to promote you very soon especially in your place of work
Prayer guide
Do a seven days prayer and fast from 6am-4pm ask God to bring to pass speedily what he has promised you pray with Psalms 23 or clickhere to get warfare prayer points
* Dream meaning of sweeping someone's house (Col 3:22-25) "22 Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God;
23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.
25 But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons."
Signal: bad
Gender: both male/female
Reason: When you dream of sweeping for someone in your dream whether it is your boss in real life or someone you respect it is not good, it is the work of satanic task masters, this is a sign of spiritual slavery, this dream means you are going to go through a season of physical opression, it means there are certain things that will happen to you that will cause emotional disturbance, it symbolizes you will experience a difficult period where your feelings will be tempered with especially by another person, it could also mean that you are going to suffer from financial loss.
Dream scenarios and meaning
1. I dreamt of sweeping for my former boss? meaning> you are going to experience a strain of backwardness, there is an attack of financial struggle upon your life
2. I always see myself sweeping my father's house? meaning> God wants to use you to change certain things in your father's house especially to turn their hearts back to God
3. I dreamt of washing my friends car what does it mean? meaning> It means that your friend is not a genuine friend, that person is with you because of what he or she is benefiting from you
Prayer guide
Do a fourteen days vigil pray with Psalms 1-14 every 1am for these days and pray that God should deliver you from satanic task masters or clickhere to get warfare prayer points
* Dream meaning of being given a broom (Isaiah 14:23) "And I'm going to make it a possession of the hedgehog pools of water and I'll sweep with the broom of destruction," declares the LORD of the Heavenly Armies."
Signal: varies
Gender: male/female
Reason: Depending on who gives you the broom and what you are being given the dream for we can then draw conclusions through the holy spirit what the dream means, if you dream of being given a broom by your boss or former boss it means some powers have sideline you to slavery, if you dream given a broom by a friend it means demotion, there are powers that do not want you to get to where your mates are, if you dream being given a broom by someone whose appearance freightens you, these are the workings of witchcraft powers it means exchange of Glory, if you dream given a broom by a dead person it means there is a spirit of death hovering around you, if you dream of being given a broom by someone whose appearance seem to be an angel to sweep your house then there is a work of cleansing going on around your life, some things will begin to change for your good in no time.
Dream scenarios and meaning
1. I dreamt my pen was taken from me and I was given a broom what does it mean? meaning> This means you will loose something precious as touching Job or career and you will be relegated to a kind of Job that does not befit you
2. I dreamt I was given a broom by my late grandfather? meaning> There are foundational powers at work in your life, there is a spirit of death coming your way
3. I dreamt of being given a broom that was almost spoilt or worn out what does it mean? meaning> your destiny is being tampered with, your case is being handled by demonic and witchcraft entities
Prayer guide
Do a seven days Daniel fast pray with Psalms 35, 13, and 27 pray that God will deliver you from these forces or clickhere to get warfare prayer points
* Dream meaning of buying broom (Lev 25:14) "If you make a sale, moreover, to your friend or buy from your friend’s hand, you shall not wrong one another."
Signal: bad
Gender: both male/female
Reason: If you dream of buying broom in the dream this is not a good dream it shows you are trading something very important to you for misfortune, if you dream of buying broom in the market it means there is an arrow of stagnation sent to you. This dream is showing you that you are trading something very important to you, you also need to be careful the kind of life you live and flee from all appearances of evil because through sin especially fornication the destiny of a person can be exchanged.
Dream scenarios and meaning
1. I dreamt of buying a broom with my friend it was as if we are living together in the dream, my friend told me we need a broom for the house? meaning> there is a satanic plot to exchange your glory using a friend
2. What does it mean if I buy a broom from an old woman? meaning> there are powers that want you to suffer, there is a destiny exchange that has taken place in your life
3. I bought three brooms in the dream what does it mean? meaning,> you are going to face three major challenges before the end of the year this is because witchcraft powers have tampered with your destiny, they have drawn out three major events that will happen to you
Prayer guide
Do a seven days Daniel fast and pray with Psalms 1-7 everyday for these seven days pray against satanic exchange or clickhere to get warfare prayer points
* Dream of broom scattering/loosing in your hands (Mark 3:25) "And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand."
Signal: bad
Gender: both male/female
Reason: This dream means there is something God has placed in your hands that is about to fall apart, if you are married it means your marriage is on the verge of breaking, if you are in a relationship there might be an occurrence that will call for separation, if you hold a broom and it falls down scattered all over the place then there is crisis, chaos and disunity is about to happen in a family, marriage or a Job you are controlling, if you have this dream in your work place or you see a member of your team then there is going to be division in your place of work, depending on where you see this dream or the people you see around it determines where that division is going to occur
Dream scenarios and meaning
1. I saw myself trying to pick pieces of scattered broom sticks together what does it mean? meaning> It means you are on cause of repairing something in your life that is damaged your prayers are being answered
2. I saw myself being given brooms but as I received them it fell down and scattered? meaning> It means you are going to experience some obstruction in a particular thing you are venturing to do, there will be problems concerning that thing
3. What does it mean if you see scattered brooms on the floor? meaning> there is a relationship with someone you treasure that the devil wants to end
Prayer guide
Do a three days vigil pray with Psalms 70, pray that every power that wants to scatter valuable relationships in your life should be destroyed or clickhere to get warfare prayer points
* Dream meaning of sweeping/washing toilet (Luke 11:24-26) 24 “When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ 25 And when he comes, he finds it swept and put in order. 26 Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first.”
Signal: varies
Gender: both male/female
Reason: If you dream of sweeping/washing toilet it means you are undergoing a thorough spiritual cleansing, God is removing certain things from your life, it is a dream that symbolizes deliverance, if you dream you are washing somebody's toilet it means you are going through hardship and that there is going to be financial struggle, it could mean people will employ you to work for them and not pay you, however; if you always have this dream consistently of washing toilets then there are some witchcraft powers working against your life to cause you to live a life of enslavement, stagnation and backwardness
Dream scenarios and meaning
1. I always see myself washing toilets what does it mean? meaning> This means you have been sidelined to a life of enslavement and ridicule, this means you are going to experience toil and hardship
2. I dreamt of washing my house toilet what does it mean? meaning> God is going to transform your situation very soon, as you will get answers to your peace soon
Prayer guide
Do a seven days prayer and fasting break by 6pm daily if you fall in the first category, pray that God will deliver you from powers that have subjected your life to vain labour and ridicule or clickhere to get warfare prayer points
* Dream meaning of sweeping a compound (Zech 1:2-3) "“I will sweep away everything from the face of the earth,” declares the LORD. 3 “I will sweep away both man and beast; I will sweep away the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea— and the idols that cause the wicked to stumble.”“When I destroy all mankind on the face of the earth,” declares the LORD."
Signal: bad
Gender: both male/female
Reason: When you dream of sweeping a compound this is often a dream associated with witchcraft powers to inflict a person with punishment, it means you are going to experience some difficulty as time goes on, things will be difficult for you, it can also symbolize weakness of the body and body pains, if you dream of sweeping your father's compound it means there are foundational powers affecting your destiny, it shows backwardness, stagnation and setback, if you dream of sweeping a large compound then you are going to face difficulties too big for you.
Dream scenarios and meaning
1. I dreamt of sweeping my father's compound what does it mean? meaning> You are going to experience backwards or intense battle in your place of work
2. I swept a big expanse of land what does it mean? This means you are going to experience financial struggle or difficulty as your glory is being toiled with
Prayer guide
Do a 14 days vigil and pray that your Glory is restored, pray with Psalms 18 and 23 or clickhere to get warfare prayer points
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See also: Dream meaning of hair from scripture