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Dream meaning of seeing celebrity or public figure

Writer: seyimomo2019seyimomo2019

Dream meaning of celebrities

One common dream that people have is the dream of seeing celebrities or popular figures in the society, in this article I will be shedding light on what this dream means when you see them, it is important to note that all dreams should be interpreted by the inspiration of the holy spirit and with scriptural guide. The dream of seeing celebrities and public figures is common amongst people and I will be showing what they mean with biblical references.

Scriptural references (1 John 2:15-17), (Psalms 71:23), (Rom 13:1-7), (Matt 25:45-47)

The dream of seeing celebrities and public figures is most times a good dream, a person can see a circular celebrity in the dream or a gospel celebrity each has it's different meaning, a person can have a dream of seeing the president, Governor etc. this kind of dream shows one's destiny is great, it shows that one is going to attain a great level of success, it shows that one's destiny is bright, below are various dreams of celebrities/ Public figure dreams and what they mean with scriptural references

* Dream meaning of seeing circular celebrities (1 John 2:15-17) "15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever."

Signal: Varies

Gender: both male/female

Reason: This dream is one that mean different things depending on how you see it, if you listen to circular music and you like a particular circular artiste and you see that artiste in your dream it could be because you are obsessed with that person, if you see a circular artiste and you are happy or surprised to see that person it means a major surprise is coming your way, if you see yourself as part of a circular artiste band it means you are gradually derailing from the paths of Christ or you are gradually taking in or adapting to a new ideology or beliefs, if you dream of shaking hands with a circular celebrity it means you are going to be great and your place is amongst the top people in society.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. Hello Apostle I saw a circular music artiste pass my front and was waving at me? meaning> Your destiny is bright, and you are as well going to be famous nb: This woman saw that same celebrity days after the dream

2. I always see myself in music shows organized by a particular circular artist? meaning> You need to be careful, do not go to any show that artiste does, there is a demonic connection between you and some spirits that needs to be broken, they are spirits that want to make you loose your place in Christ Jesus

* Hello Mog I always see myself at my former work place, and the owner is a circular artiste what does it mean? meaning> This means some enchantment have been done in that place that is currently affecting your life and destiny

Prayer guide

Do a seven days vigil if you fall in the first category and pray that God should take you to the place where you belong

If you fall in the second category do a three days dry fast and ask God to recover all that you have lost pray reading Psalms 27

* Dream of seeing Gospel artiste (Psalms 71:23) "My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee; and my soul, which thou hast redeemed."

Signal: good

Gender: both male/female

Reason: When you see Gospel artiste in the dream it means God's visitation, it could also mean an impartation of spiritual gifts, seeing a Gospel artiste in your dream may point that you have a music career, if you see a gospel artist who is a mentor to you it could mean that you really like that person and your heart is open to learn from that person, if you dream of a gospel artist exchanging pleasantries with you or shaking hands with you it means you are going to be in a high and famous position some day, if you see yourself in a Christian concert where a popular gospel artist is it means you are being lifted spiritually, or you might attend a concert where that particular gospel artist is

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I always see myself playing instrument for a particular gospel artist? meaning> This means your talent is going to pave the way for you

2. I saw a particular gospel music artiste laying hands on me and praying for me what does it mean? meaning> It means God is calling you into ministry along that line

3. I always see different Gospel artiste in my dreams what does it mean? meaning> you are called into that ministry

Prayer guide

Do a 21 days prayer and fasting break by 3pm each day, ask God to make your purpose in life clearer

* Dream meaning of seeing the president (Rom 13:1-7) "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience."

Signal: Mostly good

Gender: both male/female

Reason: when you see the President of your country in a dream it means you are going to be great in life, if you have a political ambition keep following it one day you will get there, if you dream of talking with the president in a meeting it means you are going to have opportunities open to you soon, if you dream of the president not happy with you it means you should check your life so you will not offend your destiny helper

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I always see myself with the president what does it mean? meaning> This means you are going to be involved in politics one way or the other

2. I dreamt where a wicked king told his guards to arrest me? meaning> This means you are under Spiritual attack, some powers want to keep you in bondage

3. I saw myself being given money by the president mog what does it mean? meaning> There is a spirit of death hovering upon your life, you need to pray against the Spirit of the

Prayer guide

If you are in the first category, pray for God to make your paths clearer to you pray with Psalms 23

If you are in the second and third category above pray with Psalms 27, 17 and 18 pray against spiritual attacks and death

* Dream of seeing a man of God (Numbers 12:6)"And he said, “Hear my words: If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord make myself known to him in a vision; I speak with him in a dream."

Signal: good

Reason: If you dream of seeing a man of God in your dream it could mean that God is speaking to you, God uses men of God in the dream to represent angels been sent to you, so in other words it is God speaking to you, if you see a man of God laying hands on you it could mean you have the call of God, if you see you are anointed by a man of God depending on the prayers the man of God says it could mean you have a call, if the man of God is blessing you then doors will be open to you, if you dream of a man of God conducting deliverance for you it means you are going to be delivered from a particular problem or issue that is making you worried, if you dream of serving a man of God, or doing house chores for a man of God, it means God wants to use you in that man of God ministry, if you meet yourself in a program by a particular Man of God it means spiritual elevation, your spirit man is being strengthened.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw three popular men of God laying hands on me? meaning> This means you are being lifted in the Spirit, you have a call upon your life

2. I saw myself being given a bible by a man of God? meaning> God is empowering you for his call upon your life

3. I saw myself being delivered by a particular Man of God who is late? meaning> you have been delivered from a demonic spirit attacking and fighting you.

Prayer guide

Do a seven days prayer and fasting pray that God will continue to fill you with his spirit and power, ask him to make your path to ministry clearer

* Dream of seeing a political leader (Judg 2:16) "Then the Lord raised up judges who delivered them from the hands of those who plundered them."

Signal: varies

Gender: both male/female

Reason: When you dream of seeing a political leader it means you are going to be promoted soon, if you have a political ambition or this dream occurs frequently then you may be thinking of choosing that as a career, if you see a political leader threatening you then it means your life is in danger you need to be careful and pray against attacks of darkness, if you see yourself driving a political leader it means you will be used in lifting someone to greatness, God is saying you have something to do with charity work, if you dream of talking with a political leader it means you have a bright destiny and you will be mingling with great people.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw myself serving a political leader coffee what does it mean? meaning> This means there is a spirit of slavery and opression upon you

2. I saw myself in a political protest, like we were protesting against a political leader what does it mean? meaning> there is a protest going to happen in your country soon and it may be disastrous

3. I had a dream where I was sent on errand by a politician? meaning> This means you are enslaved and you will struggle if prayers are not made

Prayer guide

If you fall in the category written above do a three days Daniel fasting pray with Psalms 18 and pray that God delivers you from every spirit of enslavement

* Dream of seeing your principal (Mark 8:11-12) "The Pharisees came out and began to argue with Him, seeking from Him a sign from heaven, to test Him. Sighing deeply in His spirit, He said, “Why does this generation seek for a sign? Truly I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation.”

Signal: Varies

Gender: both male/female

Reason: This is a dream that often shows backwardness, if you see yourself been whipped by your principal it means you are under demonic attack and opression, if you see yourself standing before your principal in your former secondary school it shows there is something that you are pursuing that you are going to have setback, if you see yourself quarelling with your principal it means there is contention in the spirit realm for something of your's that is vital, if the principal is your current principal then it means you are going to have issues with the school

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw a list given to my principal with my name on it like I was owing the school? meaning> This dream means you are going to suffer loss financially

2. Hello Mog I was being whipped by my ex principal? meaning> This means you are going to

suffer spiritual attack that will cause you pain

3. I saw myself being given a book to read by my principal? meaning> This means you are going to experience breakthrough in form of an idea soon

Prayer guide

If you fall in the first two categories do a Seven day prayer and fasting, break by 6pm each day and read Isaiah 45

If you fall in the third category pray for God to release the idea for your breakthrough to you

* Dream of seeing a company Director/Manager (Matt 25:45-47) "45 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?

46 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.

47 Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods."

Signal: Mostly good

Gender: both male/female

Reason: If you see yourself in a meeting with the manager of a particular campany it is a good sign, if you are looking for Job and you submitted application to that company depending on what the manager says, his actions or emotions etc towards you will determine if you will get the Job, if you see yourself in a meeting with a company Director it means God is going to bless you financially, if you dream seeing yourself with your former manager it means you are going to suffer some setback in your life especially in your finances, if you dream of collecting money from a company Director it means you are being attacked financially, if you see a popular C.E.O in your dream it means you are going to experience financial breakthrough soon

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw myself submitting a business proposal to a particular company's manager? meaning> If you never had plan for these you need to start planning it, you will be getting some major connections very soon

2. Mog I saw myself in the house of my former company's manager? meaning> This is a dream that shows that you are going to experience setback in some areas of your life

3. I saw myself as a Manager of a company what does it mean? meaning> This means you will be promoted soon, you will be lifted very soon

Prayer guide

If you fall in the first two categories pray against stagnation for 14 days pray from 1:00am-3:00am every morning, pray with Psalms 27

If you fall in the third category pray for your promotion to come speedily, sow into the life of Orphans or a Church so that your doors will be open

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