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Dream meaning of pregnancy from scripture

Writer: seyimomo2019seyimomo2019

Dream meaning of pregnancy from scripture

One common dream that people always have is the dream of pregnancy, this dream gives people a sign of relief but also makes some very uncomfortable, in this article I will be sharing what this dream means with scriptural references, it is important to note that all dreams must be guided with scripture and the holy ghost, it is on this basis that I will be giving an interpretation of pregnancy related dreams.

Scriptural references (Psalms 127:3), (Exo 23:26), (Isa 35:4), (Isa 66:8)

In general pregnancy may vary based on how the Lord shows you, if you are believing God for the fruit of the womb and you see this dream it means you are going to give birth but there is a spirit of delay in which you need to pray about, I will be giving some examples of such dreams below and their meaning.

* Dream meaning of pregnancy (Psalms 127:3) "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward."

Signal: varies

Gender: female

Reason: If you see yourself been pregnant in the dream and you are believing God for the fruit of the womb while it may look good you need to pray because it could be otherwise, some powers are trying to deprive you of the blessings of the Lord in some cases it may mean God is actually going to bless you, this is where discernment comes into play, dreams of pregnancy can also symbolize Spiritual attack, if you see a mad person or strange person saying that you are pregnant it is a form of Spiritual attack to give you demonic children, if you are not married and you have this dream there is a plan to give you an unwanted or demonic child if you are done having children and you see this dream pray against loss of any of your child.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I am pregnant in reality, but I had a dream where I was bleeding in the dream what does it mean? meaning> This means there is a plot to make you suffer miscarriage

2. Hello Mog I dreamt been told by someone I was pregnant and when I wake I feel pains in my body? meaning> There is a spiritual deposit in your life, they have marked you to give you demonic children

3. I am a man but I dream of being pregnant? meaning> Pray against exchange of Glory, there are certain things they have done to exchange your glory and it will come with a terrible sickness

Prayer guide

Do a three days vigil and pray against every Satanic arrow or deposit that has being sent to your life pray with Psalms 6

* Dream meaning of loosing your pregnancy (Exodus 23:26) "No one shall suffer miscarriage or be barren in your land; I will fulfill the number of your days."

Signal: bad

Gender: female

Reason: This means you are going to experience or suffer loss, if you are pregnant and have this dream you should pray against miscarriage in reality, if you are not pregnant and you have this dream pray against loss, the Devil is trying to steal something from you. Most times people who have this dream are people who are looking for the fruit of the womb and are trusting God, however this dream shows that the devil wants to dash their hopes, if you are not married and you have this dream pray that it does not happen to you in the future when you get married.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I dreamt of loosing my pregnancy and I am pregnant? meaning> there is a satanic plot to make you loose your pregnancy

2. I saw myself as a nurse helping a woman to deliver even though I am not a nurse? meaning> you are going to be of help to somebody very soon and that situation is going to be life threatening you will be taking a risk at that time to help that person

3. I dreamt where my pregnancy was shot at? meaning> There is an attack against your child bearing, and they are doing some incantation against you

Prayer guide

Do a seven days vigil if you have this dream from 2am-4am and pray for protection against evil attacks pray with Psalms 91

* Dream meaning of pregnancy test (Isaiah 35:4) "4 say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.”

Signal: warning

Gender: female

Reason: This dream signals God's warning because it shows you are anxious, this dream is often seen by those believing God for the fruit of the womb, if you dream doing a pregnancy test then you are anxious, you are eager to have a child, if you dream of having a positive result during a pregnancy test it means you are going to be pregnant but you have to watch it and be careful with monitoring powers, if you are not believing God for the fruit of the womb and you see this dream then you need to pray against arrows of sickness and weakness

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw myself queue up for medical check up what does it mean? meaning> pray against sickness, there is an arrow of sickness been sent to you

2. I always see someone close to me, a family member of mine as my doctor in the dream given me prescription then I loose my pregnancy? meaning> That means where your problem is coming from is from somebody in your family, been used against you

3. I dreamt seeing myself go for pregnancy test what does it mean? meaning> you are been shown the state of your mind, you are anxious about having your own child

Prayer guide

Do a three days prayer and fasting, break by 2pm Pray with Psalms 24 and cast out the spirit of fear

Dream meaning of carrying a child (Isaiah 66:8) "Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children."

Signal: varies

Gender: female

Reason: If you dream of carrying a child in the dream it could mean many things depending on how you see the dream, if you dream of always carrying a child and you are believing God for the fruit of the womb for a while it means powers are contending with your given birth to children they make you have children in the spirit; however some times it can mean God is going to bless you with the fruit of the womb, if you dream of carrying a child and you are not expecting to have any child or you are done with child bearing that child symbolizes your destiny, your glory or your path in life, if you dream of a child been taken from you and you are done with child bearing then it means you should pray against loss of any of your children.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I dream of carrying a child always what does it mean? meaning> This child represents your destiny and purpose in life, how you see the dream shows what is going on with your destiny

2. I always dream of playing with little children and giving them things? meaning> your lifting in life is connected to doing good to little children, especially orphans

3. I dreamt a child fell from my hands? meaning> Your glory or your destiny has been used or stolen, you need to pray very well if you want to fulfill purpose in life

Prayer guide

If you fall in category 1 and 2 above do a three days vigil and pray that your destiny in life will be fulfilled, if you are in category 3 do a three days dry fasting and pray for restoration of Glory pray with Psalms 27, and 2

* Dream of being given red baby clothes (Matt 27:28) "And they stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him."

Signal: bad

Gender: both male/female

Reason: If you are looking for the fruit of the womb and you see yourself been given red baby clothes or red clothes then you will not conceive unless serious prayer is being made, if you see yourself been given red substance, palm oil for instance it means there are forces that are against you having a child, if you are not looking for the fruit of the womb and you have this dream pray against death for your children, if you are believing God for the fruit of the womb and you see red clothes spread out, there are powers killing your children from the womb these are blood sucking powers.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. Hello Mog I am disturbed i always see red clothes when I have conceived then I loose my pregnancy? meaning> These are blood sucking powers against your child bearing, this issue is having occultic or witchcraft powers involved in it

2. What does it mean to be given red baby clothes? meaning> This means you are been fought against having a child

Prayer guide

Do a seven days vigil pray with Psalms 127, pray against powers fighting your child bearing

* Dream meaning of abortion (Psalms 139:16)" Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them."

Signal: bad

Gender: female

Reason: If you are pregnant and you see yourself going for abortion God is warning you that during delivery there will be complications, this is an attempt to make you loose your child, you can change your hospital if you can, if you are not pregnant and you see yourself pregnant going for an abortion, this means you are going to loose something precious to you, it means your glory has been taken from you, if you are pregnant and someone is advising you in the dream to do an abortion it means there are powers that do not want you to give birth successfully.

1. I dreamt aborting a pregnancy what does it mean? meaning> There are plans to make you loose your pregnancy or complication on the day of delivery

2. I dreamt of being given medication/pills in my dream? meaning> There are forces which have gone to stop you from giving birth to the child

3. What does it mean if you are signing a document for abortion? meaning> There is a spiritual covenant you have entered that is not allowing you to have children

Prayer guide

Do a 14 days vigil pray with Psalms 1-14 each day pray against destiny and children aborters

* Dream of fallen into labour (Exo 1:19) " And the midwives said to Pharaoh, “Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women; for they are lively and give birth before the midwives come to them.”

Signal: varies

Gender: female

Reason: If you see yourself in labour and you are pregnant God is showing you that you will have your child when the time is due but it will come with serious pain and labour, if you have a painful labour in your dream then child bearing will be difficult for you, if you dream of going to the labour room but you did not eventually give birth then similar circumstances want to happen in reality, if you are not pregnant and you see this dream it means there is a spirit of labour on your life, if you dream seeing another person fall into labour then it means that person is going to encounter some form of difficulty.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I always see myself going to the labour room in my dream? Meaning> This is a spirit of toil and hardship.

2. I see myself as a doctor helping people who are in labour? meaning> In reality this is what you are suppose to be but some powers are fighting it.

3. What does it mean to labour painfully in the dream? meaning> this is a power causing hardship in your life, they want you to beg before you eat.

Prayer guide

Do a seven days vigil pray with Psalms 1-7 each day, pray against powers after your pregnancy.

* Dream of giving birth to a child (1 Sam 1:27) "For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition which I asked of Him."

Signal: good

Gender: both male/female

Reason: If you dream of carrying a new born child and you are believing God for the fruit of the womb God is showing you that he has done it for you, if you always have this dream from time to time it means you should pray against spiritual children, you are having your children in the spirit but they are not manifesting, if you dream of giving birth to twins God is going to bless you with children soon, if you dream of giving birth to a child and you are not in position to give birth then it means you are going to experience God's blessings and a certain thing you have been expecting will be given to you.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw myself giving birth to a baby boy? meaning> This means you will soon have your child

2. What does it mean to see yourself giving birth to a child? meaning> If you are believing God for a child you will have a child, but if you are not looking for a child then God's blessings will locate you soon

Prayer guide

Do a three days prayer and fasting pray with Psalms 127 and ask God to locate you with his blessings speedily.

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