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Dream meaning of eggs

Dream meaning of eggs

Often times people see eggs in their dreams and may not understand what this dream really means, seeing eggs in the dream can be good or bad depending on how you see the dream, in this article I will be shedding more light on egg dreams and their meaning, it is important to note that all dreams must be interpreted with scripture and the holy spirit

Scriptural references (Isaiah 34:15), (Jer 17:11), (Deut 22:6), (Luke 11:12)

There are different ways people see eggs in their dreams, a person can see himself picking eggs, eating eggs or eggs falling from their hands, some of these dreams can be good but on the other hand they could be very disturbing, I will be giving some of the various egg dreams and what they mean below

* Dream meaning of seeing eggs (Isaiah 34:15) "The sand partridge will make her nest there;she will lay and hatch her eggsand will gather her brood under her shadow.Indeed, the birds of prey will gather there,each with its mate."

Signal: varies

Gender: both male/female

Reason: Dream of seeing eggs can symbolize so many things in the dream, eggs can symbolize the glory of a man, it can also mean fertility for those looking for the fruit of the womb, it can mean riches, financial visitation and breakthrough, if you dream of seeing eggs and you are looking for the fruit of the womb it means God is attending to your situation and he is going 5 bless you with children, also if you see yourself picking so many eggs it means there is going to be financial open doors for you very soon.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I am believing God for the fruit of the womb and I saw eggs falling off my hands what does it mean? Meaning> This means the devil wants you to have a miscarriage

2. I dreamt picking so many eggs, what does it mean? Meaning> This means you are going to experience financial breakthrough soon

3. Hello Mog I had a dream where I was eating rotten eggs? meaning> This means your glory is being tampered with

Prayer guide

If you fall in the first category, pray with Psalms 127 for seven days, buy baby clothes by faith and pray with it for seven days

If you fall in the second category do a three days prayer and fasting, pray for financial open doors

If you fall in the third category do a three days dry fasting, pray for destiny recovery

.* Dream of holding rotten eggs (Jer 17:11) "As the partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not; so he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool."

Signal: bad

Gender: both male/female

Reason: If you dream of holding rotten eggs it means you are going through some spiritual attack on your health, finance etc. This dream can also symbolize loss of Glory, it means that whatsoever you are doing may not prosper, if you dream of eating rotten eggs this is an attack on your destiny that may manifest as sickness, if you dream of receiving a rotten egg this dream means bad luck it means you will experience some situations that are not favourable, this dream can also mean that you are going to have issues with having children

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I had a dream where I was eating a bad egg what does it mean please? This is a dream that means you will be dealing with sickness

2. I saw myself picking up rotten eggs what does it mean? meaning> This means you are going to experience some form of bad luck, something you are expecting may not come good

3. I saw myself being given a an egg but it was spoilt? meaning> this means you are going to experience sickness

Prayer guide

If you fall in the first and third category pray with Isaiah 53, fast for three days

If you fall in the second category, pray with Psalms 35, cancel every plot of darkness concerning your life

* Dream of broken egg (Prov 27:8) "Like a bird wandering from the place of her eggs is a man wandering from his station."

Signal: bad

Gender: both male/female

Reason: If you dream of a broken egg then it means there are certain things that you are hoping on that may not work out, this dream can mean relationship and marital failure, if you dream of seeing yourself breaking an egg by mistake then it means your glory has been tampered with, things will be difficult for you, if someone else breaks eggs that belongs to you then it means you are going to suffer some form of setback in your life and there will be so many blockages as touching your life moving forward.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I was carrying a crate of egg and it fell down, what does it mean? meaning> This means your finances are under attack

2. I was stoning an enemy with eggs what does it mean? meaning> This means you are fighting a spiritual battle but you are not fighting it the right way

3. I had a dream where I was given an egg but it fell? meaning> This means you will have issues having children

Prayer guide

If you fall in the first category pray with Psalms 23 and 24, pray against Satanic attack on your finance

If you fall in the 3rd category pray and fast with Isaiah 52 for seven days break by 2pm daily, pray that God will start blessing you with children

* Dream of so many eggs in a poultry farm (Deut 22:6) "If a bird's nest chance to be before thee in the way in any tree, or on the ground, whether they be young ones, or eggs, and the dam sitting upon the young, or upon the eggs, thou shalt not take the dam with the young"

Signal: good

Gender: both male/female

Reason: If you dream seeing yourself in the poultry with so many eggs in it and you are looking for the fruit of the womb then it means that you are going to be blessed with Children, if you see yourself picking eggs in a poultry farm it means that you are going to be blessed financially as your breakthrough door is going to be open, if you dream of stealing in a poultry farm and you are afraid of been caught then it means there are certain things you are hiding from people who matter to you, you need to be more open as it can hinder your progress

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. Hello Mog I saw myself picking eggs in poultry what does it mean? meaning> This means God is blessing you with the fruit of the womb

2. What does it mean when you see yourself in a poultry farm? meaning> This could mean that you are to begin a poultry farm

3. I saw myself being given a poultry farm what does it mean? meaning> This means you are going to have a poultry farm

Prayer guide

If you fall in the first category pray with Psalms 127 for Three days, pray that God will bless you with the fruit of the womb speedily

* Dream of eating egg (Deut 32:32) "For their vine is from the vine of Sodom, And from the fields of Gomorrah; Their For their vine is from the vine of Sodom,And from the fields of Gomorrah; Their grapes are grapes of poison, Their clusters, bitter.

Signal: bad

Gender: both male/female

Reason: If you dream of eating egg this is not a good dream, dream of eating eggs can be a dream that symbolises initiation, this is a dream that can also mean sickness and affliction, eating egg in the dream is significant of witchcraft activities, if you see yourself boiling eggs to eat it means you are going to experience some form of ailment that could be as a result of your carelessness, if someone gave you egg in the dream if it is a person you fear in real life and you cannot refuse the person then it means the person's face has been manipulated.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. Hello Mog I saw myself being given a black egg what does it mean? meaning> This means witchcraft initiation

2. What does it mean when you eat a rotten egg? meaning> This means there is an arrow of sickness being sent to you

3. I saw myself being given three egg yolk? meaning> This means in three months God will bless you with the fruit of the womb

Prayer guide

If you fall in the 1st and 2nd category do a three days prayer and fasting break by 3pm, read Psalms 38, God bless you richly

* Dream of vomiting egg (Lev 18:25) "The land has become defiled, so I am punishing it for its sin, and the land will vomit out its inhabitants."

Signal: varies

Gender: both male/female

Reason: If you dream of vomiting eggs this is a dream that shows deliverance, this means there are some deposits of bad luck inside of you that God is addressing and arresting, this is a dream that shows that God is purging you and cleansing you from arrows of sickness, death and infirmity, the dream of vomiting eggs in scripture is a dream that can also mean that you should be careful of what you eat and where you eat it, when you see yourself vomiting eggs it can also symbolize initiation, this means there are some forces that want to initiate you but God is fighting for you

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I had a dream that I was vomiting eggs what does it mean? meaning> This means there are powers that are fighting you from having your own Children

2. What does it mean when you vomit raw egg? meaning> Pray against initiation, there are some powers that want to initiate you into their coven

3. I saw myself vomiting seriously what does it mean? meaning> This means you are being delivered, there is a spirit of torment that God has delivered you from

Prayer guide

If you fall in the 1st category, do a three days prayer and fasting, pray with Psalms 127, ask God to give you your own Children

If you fall in the 2nd category pray with Psalms 40, and fast for seven days, pray that God will set you free from the covens of darkness

* Dream of egg yolk (Luke 11:12) "Or if he is asked for an egg, he will not give him a scorpion, will he?"

Signal: varies

Gender: both male/female

Reason: If you dream of egg yolk this means fertility, it is a dream that shows blessings and the fact that there is a good thing coming your way, this dream means you will conceive and have your own Children if you are believing God for the fruit of the womb, it is a dream that symbolises fertility, egg yolk means you are going to experience vitality and you will flourish in good health, if you are being given an egg yolk it means you will experience fertility in the coming days and weeks

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw myself breaking an egg what does it mean? meaning> This means you are going to struggle and there is something you are believing God for that the Devil is fighting

2. I saw myself eating egg yolk? meaning> This means you are going to have your children soon

3. What does it mean when you peel an egg shell? meaning> This means you are going to experience the blessings of God in all your endeavors

Prayer guide

Do a seven days prayer and fasting, pray that God will bring everything you are believing to come to pass speedily

* Dream of albumen (The white of an egg) (Job 6:6) Can something tasteless be eaten without salt,

Or is there any taste in the white of an egg?"

Signal: good

Gender: both male/female

Reason: The dream of the white part of an egg also means fertility, it means fruitfulness and it can also mean that God is going to give you sound health, if you dream of eating the white part of an egg it means your health is going to be restored, if you are believing God for the fruit of the womb and you have this dream it means that God is going to give you your own Children in due season, if you dream of being given the egg by a late person it therefore means that you should pray against bad luck such as miscarriage or financial loss

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw myself being given an egg but it was the white part by my pastor? meaning> This means you are going to conceive and have your own Children

2. I had a dream where I gave someone eggs what does it mean? meaning> This means God is going to use you to bless others

3. I was given white local eggs in the dream what does it mean? meaning> This dream means there are witchcraft powers afflicting you with barrenness

Prayer guide

If you fall in the 1st category pray with Psalms 127, and ask God to bring his promises to pass speedily upon your life

If you fall in the 3rd category pray with Psalms 18, pray against witchcraft attacks

If you have any dream you want me to interprete drop your comments in the comment section below.

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