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Dream meaning of buying something from scripture

Dream meaning of buying something from scripture

Through dreams God speaks to his people, he reveals hidden and deep things through the revelation of the night, I will be looking at one common dream that people have and it has to do with dreams of buying something, this is a kind of dream that some people have and I will be treating the subject in this article with scriptural reference. It is important to note that all dreams must be guided with scripture and the holy spirit, these are our ultimate guide.

Scriptural references: (Gen 47:20-22), (Gen 41:57), (John 6:5), (Prov 20:14)

In general dreams of buying something can be good or bad depending on what you bought and where you bought it from, so many people see themselves in different places buying something, and they wonder what it could mean, I will be explaining some categories of scenarios in which people can have the dream and tell you what it means, so that you can have added knowledge about this dreams and what to do about it

* Dream meaning of buying clothes (Ezek 16:10) "10 I clothed thee also with broidered work, and shod thee with badgers' skin, and I girded thee about with fine linen, and I covered thee with silk."

Signal: Varies

Reason: buying clothes in the dream may be bad or good, if you dream of buying Children clothes it is a good dream, this means you are going to be blessed with Children or you will reap the fruits of your Children, but if you dream of buying a wedding dress or gown there are marital curses or problems that need to be broken, if you dream of buying a white dress it means exchange of destiny, if you dream of buying a red dress it means you will enter into a sequence of problems and issues, if you buy a black dress it is the Spirit of death you need to pray against death, if you buy a gold dress it is also destiny exchange, you need to pray

Gender: both male/female

Exception: If you find on yourself a new dress this is a good dream, because there was no exchange or transaction, it is a dream of Glory recovery or manifestation

Real life examples from experience and meaning

1. I saw in my dream where I bought three wedding gowns and I was giving it to people? meaning> what this dream means is that you will watch others get married but marriage will be difficult for you, you need to break the yoke of spiritual husband/wife

2. I always buy baby things in my dream especially clothes what does it mean? meaning> what this dream means is that God will bless you with a child anytime soon, give Glory to God

3. I dreamt where I was in shop buying and shopping so many beautiful dresses? meaning> shopping and buying things in the dream are not always good, you may be happy doing it in the dream, but it shows an exchange of destiny, a plot of hell to make you live an unfulfilled and unfruitful life

Prayer guide

If you are in the second category, do a three days prayer and fasting, pray with Psalms 127 and tell God to bless you with the fruit of the womb as he has shown you

However; if you are in the first and third category do a seven days Daniel fast, and tell God to recover every of your Glory in the hands of the evil ones, pray with Psalms 1-7 for those Seven days

* Dream meaning of buying spoilt goods (Deut 7:3) "Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son."

Signal: bad

Reason: Dream of buying spoilt goods is not good reason being that it is a dream of destruction, the bible says the Devil commeth not but to steal to kill and to destroy, if you dream of buying stained goods/dress it means you are going to experience a lot of misfortune, your destiny has being marked, if you dream of buying spoilt food it means you should be careful of food poison or a certain drug/medication may react in your body negatively, if you buy a spoilt vehicle you will experience difficulties in your path to success things will be tough for you career wise, it may also mean Job loss, if you dream of buying a spoilt phone it means you are going to have wrong connections that will affect your life negatively, if you are a pastor and you dream of buying a spoilt mic there is an attack on your ministry things will not go as it suppose

Real life examples from experience and meaning

1. I dreamt of buying food but when I wanted to eat the food was spoilt? meaning> You need to be careful of what you eat or change your eating habit/lifestyle

2. I bought a pair of shoes but the right leg and the left leg were different? meaning> what this dream means is that your Glory has been exchanged, there was an action that you have taken that has led to this

3. I saw in the dream where I bought a catfish but it was half-dead? meaning> this means God is going to bless you but you have the tendency to settle for less, don't live a mediocre life, don't think too small of yourself

Prayer guide

Do a three days prayer and fasting pray with Psalms 13 and Psalms 124 pray that your Glory will not be exchanged and the package that God has for you will not be reduced by the Devil

* Dream meaning of buying land (Gen 47:20-22) "Then Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh; for every man of the Egyptians sold his field, because the famine was severe upon them. So the land became Pharaoh’s. 21 And as for the people, he moved them into the cities, from one end of the borders of Egypt to the other end. 22 Only the land of the priests he did not buy; for the priests had rations allotted to them by Pharaoh, and they ate their rations which Pharaoh gave them; therefore they did not sell their lands."

Signal: good

Reason: when you dream of buying land it symbolizes regaining your lost possession in the days of the old testament in scripture we see an emphasis on lands, reclaiming and taking lands as possession, we see in the Scripture above how Joseph bought the Land of Egypt for Pharaoh, so land dream symbolizes financial prosperity and upliftment, it shows that God has began something in your life that will soon manifest

Gender: both male/female

Real life examples from experience and meaning

1. I have been believing God for a land and I saw myself buy a large piece of land in the dream what does it mean? meaning> this means that God is going to give you the desire of your heart you will get a land very soon

2. I saw myself buying land in my dream but it was as though I did not like the land so I refused it? meaning> you are going to come close to achieving a huge feet but you will not achieve it, you need to pray against the Spirit of near success syndrome

3. There was this dream I had where I was being shown a large expanse of land to buy in the dream what does it mean? meaning> It means good news is coming your way but you still need to pray because it is only through prayers that it can come to pass

If you fall in the second category, do a three days dry fasting, get an anointing oil and read Psalms 123, pray and break the yoke of near success syndrome

However; if you fall in the first and third category you will fast for seven days with prayers reading Psalms 23, tell God to bring to pass speedily what he has began

* Dream of buying Jewelry (Rev 18:11-13) " 11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:

12 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble,13 And cinnamon, and odors, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men."

Signal: bad

Reason: when you dream of buying Jewelries it is a dream that shows demonic enslavement, it is a dream that also means initiation for example if you buy a ring, God is showing that there is a satanic program going on to initiate you, you need to pray very well, buying Jewelries can mean satanic enslavement to lust, to desires of the flesh

Gender: both male/female

Real life examples from experience and meaning

1. I had a dream where I bought a pendant necklace, very beautiful what does it mean? meaning> you need to pray against the Spirit of lust, you are in a bondage and that yoke has to be broken

2. In the dream I bought a gold ring but it was not my size? meaning> the Devil is trying his best to initiate into their cult but God is fighting for you, you need to be careful who you walk with

3. I bought a gold wrist watch in my dream what does it mean? meaning> what this means is that your Glory has been exchanged, you need to pray very well for Glory recovery

Prayer guide

Do a seven days prayer and fasting pray with Psalms 40 and Psalms 27 break every Satanic bondage and enslavement of Sin upon your life

If you fall in the third category do a three days prayer and fasting pray with Psalms 124 and pray for Glory recovery

*Dream of someone buying something from you (Gen 41:57) "And all countries came into Egypt to Joseph for to buy corn; because that the famine was so sore in all lands."

Signal: Varies

Gender: both male and female

Reason: If you are selling something in reality or you want to sell something and you see someone come to buy it from you it is a good dream, it means you will make sales even though it still calls for prayers but if you are not selling things in real life and you see yourself selling something it means destiny exchange, if you dream of hawking it means suffering, hardship toil, you are having responsibilities bigger than your income, if you see someone pricing what you are selling and going away it means you will be rejected by people.

Real life examples from experience and meaning

1. Mog I was selling so many things and I saw lots of people come to buy from me what does it mean? meaning> this means God is going to bless your business and God is going to expand you, but there are powers fighting you, what you are supposed to be selling physically is what you are selling in the spirit

2. I saw in a dream where I was in a store where I once used to work, I was working very hard? meaning> when you see yourself in places that you have interacted or engaged with in previous times it means backwardness, so this dream means you are working hard but there is nothing to show for it you are experiencing delay and denial

3. I saw where someone came to buy something from me without money but I did not sell it? meaning> this means there are powers attached to your life that want you to work hard but little results to show

Prayer guide

Do a seven days prayer and pray against Satanic exchange of your Glory, pray with Psalms 2 God will reveal some things to you

* Dream of someone returning what they bought from you (Gen 4:5) "But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell."

Signal: bad

Reason: If you dream of someone who bought something from you and then comes back to return what he/she bought it means dissapointment, there is something you are putting your heart upon to get that you will not end up getting if you do not pray

Real life examples from experience and meaning

1. I saw someone bought my goods but returned it? meaning> this means you are suffering from a spirit of near success sydrome, also there is a business you are waiting for it's profit but you will not get profit if you don't pray

2. I was in the dream where someone returned what I sold to her that what I sold was bad she treathened to call the police? meaning> This means there is a plot to put in trouble, there is a person you will do business with or you are currently in a business with that will put you in trouble

Prayer guide

Do a seven days prayer and fasting, pray that your expectations will not be cut short pray with Psalms 23

* Dream of buying on credit (Exo 21:2) "

If thou buy an Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing.

Signal: bad

Gender: both male/female

Reason: This dream means financial instability, if you go to buy something on credit and you were not given it means denial, hardship and financial struggle, if you dream of buying credit and you were given then you will find an helper in your struggle, this helper is a temporal one, the person will not help you out of trouble but will be a form of sustenance for you

Real life examples from experience and meaning

1. I saw in my dream where I went to buy fish but I had no money, I was embarrassed but I found the fish in my hand? meaning> You are going through hardship, and financial struggle, but you will experience a momentary relief after which the struggle will continue, this is not what you want so you need to break that yoke of financial hardship

2. I always see myself in the dream wanting to buy something but there is no money? meaning> there are some important things in your life you need to sort out but you are experiencing difficulty settling it because of lack of finance

3. I find myself begging in my dream what does it mean? meaning> this means your destiny has been attacked, you will go through so many troubles and issues so you need prayers

Prayer guide

Do a three days prayer and fasting, pray upon a denomination reading Psalms 34, after praying upon the money give it to any Church to expand the Kingdom and pray against the yoke of dissapointment

* Dream of buying food/fruit (Deut 2:28) "you can sell us food to eat and water to drink in exchange for silver. Only let us pass through on foot"

Signal: varies

Reason: This dream mostly is a good dream, if you see yourself buying yam, God is opening your door as there is going to be plenty in your house, if you dream of buying pepper or tomato it means you need to pray against hardship, pepper in dream means suffering, trials etc

Real life examples from experience and meaning

1. I saw myself buying snails what does it mean? meaning> you are going to experience setback, this is a spirit of delay, retrogression and setback

2. I had a dream where I set out to buy food? meaning> This means your dreams and aspirations are coming to pass, and what God has for you is given to you because God will restore you soon

Prayer guide

Do a three days prayer and fasting tell God to help you by releasing speed upon your life

Pray daily with Psalms 16

If you want me to give interpretation of any dream in my next article drop your comments in the comment section below or E-mail

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