30 Days vigil; Day 30 prayer points
30 Days vigil; Day 27, 28 &29
Dream meaning of make up
Dream meaning of building a house
Powerful prayers to break the yoke of dissapointment
Powerful prayer points to break the yoke of dissapointment
7 powerful Psalms to pray with for deliverance with prayer guide
30 Days vigil Day 18,19,20&21
Dream meaning of receiving an award/certificate
Dream meaning of black animals
30 Days vigil, Prayer points for Day 16&17
Five powerful Psalms to pray with for Favour
Life of God's General; William Branham
Pray these prayer point against monitoring spirits
Dreams that show your destiny is bright
Dream meaning of seeing giants/hefty people
Prayer for the month Of December
Pray these prayer points at 1am midnight and see a turnaround
Life of God's General; Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa
Prayer points to break free from ancestral powers